Homeschool Your Way In Sac/Placer County

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Homeschool Your Way In Sac/Placer County

Welcome to our community!
The homeschool movement has grown and we want to share more about why we started this group and our intentions.
Please only invite people to this group who you know personally and do not share video content or posts outside of this group
We are two homeschooling mom boss freedom fighters who started this group to support each other, build community and bring together families who value freedom and sovereignty. We have found ways to live and thrive outside the matrix and know that this venture can look different for every family.
We are here to share ideas on how to legally home educate, live and thrive according to our own beliefs and values, and most of all encourage and support one another in pursing alternatives to the institutional education system.
Some areas we are passionate about:
•Freedoms- medical, educational, financial, to name a few
•Alternatives- health, holistic, community(ex-pat), homestead/lifestyle, education
•Environment- clean and crunchy- know better do better mindset, conscious living
•Community- we love to support local and small businesses, we organize field trips, form co-op groups, facilitate day camps and activities for our kiddos, arrange park meet ups, and so much more!

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