Citrus Heights CA Homeschool Fun!

We share resources for homeschooling kids in Citrus Heights and the Sacramento area. Events, homeschool tips, co-ops, field trips, and more! This is your local hub for all things homeschool. Join us!

Raising Arrows Homeschoolers

Raising Arrows is based out of Placer County and extends to Sacramento! We exist first and foremost to bring honor and glory to God while encouraging each other in our Christian homeschool journey. This group exists to post regional events, plan local outings and field trips.
Please see all rules and answer all questions thoroughly before submitting your request to join. We hope to fit the needs your family is looking for in your homeschool journey

Sacramento Wild and Secular Homeschoolers ** WaSH **

This group was founded in May 2022 by a small group of local homeschool moms who wanted to create a secular, inclusive community to foster friendships and in-person social and learning opportunities for our families and ourselves. We homeschool for non-religious reasons and discussions and events are not overtly or specifically religious. However, we are an all-inclusive group welcoming everyone from all faiths or no faiths at all…

RAHS (Roseville Area HomeSchoolers)

RAHS is an active social homeschool group focused on building positive, quality relationships for our homeschooled children of all ages.
We ask that members participate in park days, field trips, events, and holiday parties as often as possible.
Members are expected to attend within 3 months of joining and at least 1x per year thereafter. Please remember to get your name on our sign-in sheet during your first attended event and once per year to stay in the group….

Homeschool Your Way In Sac/Placer County

Welcome to our community!
The homeschool movement has grown and we want to share more about why we started this group and our intentions.
Please only invite people to this group who you know personally and do not share video content or posts outside of this group
We are two homeschooling mom boss freedom fighters who started this group to support each other, build community and bring together families who value freedom and sovereignty. We have found ways to live and thrive outside the matrix and know that this venture can look different for every family…