Christian Homeschoolers of the Foothills Co-Op

Christian Homeschoolers of the Foothills exists to glorify God and impact our world in the name of Jesus by supporting and encouraging local homeschool families.
Our co-op includes chapel time, enriching classes for nursery through teens, and a small group time for moms. We meet 12 weeks each semester on Wednesday mornings 9:30-11:50, then enjoy lunch together at the park afterwards.
Bayside Granite Bay Homeschool Co-Op

Our Mission: Bayside Homeschool Group exists to make a big church feel smaller by creating a community for moms, kids, and families who homeschool to grow, learn, serve, and do life together as we seek to glorify Jesus Christ.
If you are a homeschool mom looking for other homeschool moms to connect with at Bayside Church or you are seeking ways to help your kids make friendships that grow beyond Sunday mornings through the rest of the week, this group is for you! By joining, you will have the opportunity to join mom events, meet-ups, enrichment opportunities, and more.
The Bayside Homeschool group is volunteer run and in order to best serve families, we require interested Moms to submit an application, get livescanned at Bayside Church, and complete mandated reporter training in order to join. We have two membership options: General BHG Membership and General BHG Membership + Thursday AM Co-Op
Trinity Alliance

Trinity Alliance is a Christian, classical, homeschooling collaborative group of families committed to supporting each other in their pursuit of educating their children in truth, goodness, and beauty, with the scholé (skoh-LAY) principle guiding our enterprise.