TK.ELD.1.2 Listening & Speaking | Using Words

TK - English Language Development

TK.ELD.1.2 Listening & Speaking | Using Words


What are some common nouns, verbs, and pronouns?


Show child some objects, animals, etc., and prompt them to tell you what they’re doing. Ex: The bunny….. “jumps!”

During play, guide the conversation with questions to name nouns, verbs, and pronouns.



Play some games with pronouns. You can use dolls, Little People, or even make some people cutouts and glue them to popsicle sticks (try these:

Then talk about what the people are doing, using the pronouns I, me, we, us, he, she, they, and them.

Use some free pronoun flash cards to help you practice:


Have your child continue to play, but ask questions about what the dolls (or dinosaurs, or trucks, etc.) are doing.

Ask pointed questions like “What is the little girl doing?” or “Who has a blue shirt on?” See if you can prompt your child to respond in complete sentences, using pronouns and verbs.

Draw a picture of people, animals, and things. Tell what is happening in the picture.

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