Friday March 14th 9:30AM – 11:00AM
NewSongs Music Studio
8089 Madison Ave #6
Citrus Heights
$15 Per Student
Think you can make a trap that will for sure catch a Leprechaun this year? Let’s give it a try!
- Identify project requirements
- Create a design for your trap
- Build a test model and modify your design
- Finalize your trap and vote on who’s trap will be most likely to succeed.
This 1 1/2 hour workshop address a variety of academic standards related to math, science and STEM.
Work samples will be provided.
**Parent or guardian must stay on site during this workshop. You’re welcome to bring non participating kids to wait with you. There are comfortable places for you to relax, and free wi-fi.
Cottonwood, South Sutter, and Horizon vouchers accepted.
*Family Learning Lab workshops and programming are designed to be supplemental and enrichment activities in addition to your core curriculum. Family Learning Lab Co-School assumes no professional liability for your child’s education – we’re here to support you in your homeschooling journey! 🙂
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