Join us for our January Fun Friday!
This is a FREE event. We welcome a $2 donation if you’re able to contribute towards supplies.
Friday, January 10th 10am
Tempo Park, Citrus Heights (at covered picnic area if not in use, otherwise at tables set up by play area. look for our sign)
***Entrance to Tempo Park is off Fair Oaks Blvd, follow directions to 13125 Fair Oaks Blvd or click here:
SENSORY PLAY – Uncover buried treasure in our two sensory stations. One station will have moon sand (flour, oil, & cocoa powder.) The other will have shredded paper and pom poms. Kids can each take home one piece of “treasure”. We will have a few small world sensory kits available for a suggested donation of $4 each.
SCIENCE EXTENSION – Older kids can have some fun identifying rocks they find in our buried treasure bins.
STORYTIME – Ms. Christy will be reading “The Magical Yet” – a wonderful book that’s a perfect way to start the new year.
ART PROJECT – We’ll be making simple time capsules! We’ll have some time capsule worksheets to fill out if you want and kids will get to decorate their time capsules. You can also add some items when you get home and hide them somewhere around the house to find next year.
**IMPORTANT NOTE** Sensory play includes a variety of ingredients and materials that may present choking hazards for small children, potential allergic reactions, and simply won’t taste good. Please be mindful of any allergies your children may have. A supervising adult must be present with their children during the entire event, and we ask that you supervise “mouthers” very closely. All participating parties must have a signed waiver on file.