Roseville Community School

Roseville Community School

We believe that effective learning addresses the combined intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of the child. Active learning is central to our philosophy. While we work to give children of all ages repeated opportunities to interact with their physical and social environment, we feel that it is the children themselves who ultimately accept the responsibility to gain an understanding of their world. As educators, we facilitate and guide this process by the questions we ask, the goals we set, the information and experiences we provide, the environment we create, and the behavior we model.

Learning occurs when children develop problem-solving skills and become active agents in their own education. We also believe that each child learns as an individual. Our challenge is to build on the child’s innate desire to learn. To do this, Roseville Community Shool (RCS) provides a climate where children are encouraged to make full use of their senses, feelings, and minds.

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